Frequently asked questions
How can I get into the women's refuge?
Just phone us (+49 (0)2202-42682). We'll agree a place to meet and then take you to the women's refuge.
What do I need to bring?
If you can, bring your important documents and papers, such as
- Passports
- ID cards
- Marriage and birth certificates
- Health insurance cards
- Benefit entitlement paperwork from the job centre and/or employment contracts, etc.
- Money
- Bank savings books
- Bank card and bank statements
- Proof of income, child benefit (Kindergeld) number
- Urgently needed medicines
- Children's school things
- Personal items from your home that are important and valuable to you and your children
I'm a migrant. Can I come to you for protection, too?
We take in any woman who's a victim of violence, whatever her nationality, her culture or her religious background.
Can I bring my children to the women's refuge?
We'll take you and your children in together. Unfortunately we can only take in boys up to the age of 13.
How long can I stay in the refuge?
On average women stay with us for 3 - 4 months till they've found somewhere to live.
What do you expect of me?
We expect you:
- to be willing to take advantage of the counselling on offer to you and your children
- to obey the safety rules to protect the women and children living in the refuge
- to take part in the running of the refuge
- to do your own housekeeping and look after your own children
Who pays for it?
In most cases the job centre will pay the costs of the women's refuge and your living expenses. If you have an income of your own, we'll ask you to pay a contribution.