
The goal of Frauen stärken Frauen e. V. is to support and empower women and girls with psychosocial problems.

To do that we are dependent on your support. Thank you very much!

Donations to the association

Frauen stärken Frauen e. V.
IBAN DE13 3706 2600 3634 4860 10

Donations to girls' advice centre

Frauen stärken Frauen e. V.
IBAN DE60 3706 2600 3634 4860 37

Donations to women's advice centre

Frauen stärken Frauen e. V.
VR Bank
IBAN DE82 3706 2600 3634 4860 29

Donations to the women’s refuge

Frauen stärken Frauen e. V.
Kreissparkasse Köln
IBAN DE29 3705 0299 0340 0029 33

Donations are tax-deductible. Frauen stärken Frauen e.V. is a charitable association.

A donation instead of a gift

When people ask you what you would like as a present for your birthday or some other occasion, it’s often difficult to come up with an answer. One possible alternative is to ask your family, friends and acquaintances to instead donate money to a good cause. In this way you not only reduce consumption but can also support our work with girls and women who find themselves in an acute crisis situation.

If you would like to start a fundraising campaign, you can either set up your own donations account or simply select one of the accounts given above and pass on the relevant details to your guests. Decide on a keyword to be entered as the purpose of payment, so that we can assign the donations correctly and work out the final total. Each donor will, if they wish, be sent a donation receipt which can be offset against tax. This applies to the donors only, not to the recipient of the gift.