Dates & News

Here you will find the dates of our legal information evenings and details of the office hours at our external advice centres in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district.

You will also find the latest news from the advice centre.

There is also a list of people you can contact in the event of domestic violence.

Legal information evening

  • 19.11.24, 18:00-19:45
    Venue: Allg. Frauenberatungsstelle für den RBK, Hauptstr. 155, 51465 Bergisch Gladbach
    Fee: 10 €
    please call 02202-45 112
    Speaker: Beate Freitag (Lawyer)

  • 18:00-19:45
    Venue: Familenzentrum FlicFlac, Langemarckweg 24, 51465 Bergisch Gladbach
    Fee: 10 €
    please call 02202-439 35
    Speaker: Liza Rothe (Lawyer)


External counselling in Rösrath, Overath, Kürten

Prior registration required
by telephone 02202-45112 or email 
You will be informed of the venue and time by phone or email.

  • External counselling in Kürten
    Tuesdays, 09:00-11:00 
    19.11.24 / 21.01. / 18.02. / 18.03. / 15.04. / 20.05. / 17.06.

  • External counselling in Rösrath
    Tuesdays, 11:00-13:00
    10.12.24 / 14.01. / 11.02. / 11.03. / 08.04. / 13.05. / 10.06.

  • External counselling in Overath
    Thursdays, 10:30-12:30
    21.11. / 19.12.24  / 16.01. / 20.02. / 20.03. / 17.04. / 15.05. /

External counselling in Leichlingen, Burscheid, Wermelskirchen

To make an appointment call 02202-45 112.

  • External counselling in Leichlingen
    Venue: Quartiersbüro, Kirchstr. 6-8, 42799 Leichlingen
    You will be told the time when you make your appointment.
     18.11. / 27.01. / 24.02. / 31.03. / 28.04. / 26.05. / 30.06.

  • External counselling in Wermelskirchen
    Venue: VHS-Zentrale, Wirtsmühler Str. 12
    You will be told the time when you make your appointment.
    18.12. / 08.01. / 05.02. / 12.03. / 30.04. / 11.06.

  • External counselling in Burscheid
    By request, call 02202-45 112 
    Venue: Tri-Café, Bürgermeister- Schmidt-Str. 25
    You will be told the time when you make your appointment.
     17.01. / 14.02. / 21.03. / 16.05. / 13.06.


Annual Report and Statistics 2023

Click here to open the Annual Report (in german).
You might also like to take a look at our Statistics Summery 2023 (in german).

ASS project (anonymous forensics following sexual offences)

The women's advice centre for the Rheinisch-Bergisch district participates in the ASS project (anonymous forensics following sexual offences), which is funded by the NRW Ministry for Homeland, Municipal Affairs, Construction and Equality.

Together with the specialist counselling centre in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district for sexualised violence we have produced a flyer containing information on the possibility of anonymous forensics following a sexual offence (ASS).

ASS enables women who have been sexually assaulted to secure the evidence and to receive a medical examination and treatment WITHOUT having to report the incident to the police. This gives her time to consider whether she wishes to press charges. For more information see our FLYER.

Victims, their families and professionals are welcome to use our advisory service.

We also cooperate with the hospitals that offer ASS.

Eating disorders

Eating disorder support group

You are warmly invited to talk about your issues with fellow sufferers − openly and in an atmosphere of understanding (aged 18+).

You can join the group at any time.
Venue: Frauenberatungsstelle, Hauptstr. 155, Bergisch Gladbach
Registration: oder 02202-45 112
Contact persons: Katja Gissel (systemic therapist, trauma specialist) and Beatrix Rey (Coordination Centre for Self-Help Groups at the Ev. Krankenhaus Bergisch Gladbach)

If you are interested, please contact Frau Gissel (see under "Registration" for contact info).

Autogenic training

Autogenic training according to J. H. Schultz

Let go – find peace – be mindful: autogenic training can help you achieve this and more. The course is certified, which means you can usually get up to 80% of the course fees (€90) refunded by your health insurer.

On request by phone on  02202-45112 or by email at

Places you can contact in case of domestic violence in Bergisch Gladbach, Rösrath, Kürten and Overath

Dear women,

If there is an emergency and you can't reach us, you can also contact one of the following institutions/public authorities:

  • The free hotline "Gewalt gegen Frauen" (violence against women) is available 24/7 in many different languages under 08000 116 016.
  • If you are experiencing sexualised violence, you can contact the Fachstelle gegen sexualisierte Gewalt (help centre for sexualised violence) in Burscheid.
  • There is a free and anonymous hotline that you can call if you need help concerning sexual abuse: 0800 2255 530.
  • If you need a place in a women's shelter, you can find out the contact details and where there are free places in North Rhine-Westphalia by clicking here.
    Women's shelters are safe and secret places for women who need to escape from a violent partner.
  • In acute domestic violence situations, call the police on 110! They can order the perpetrator to stay away from your home for 10 days.  The district court can extend this restraining order for up to 6 months.
  • You should contact the district court in Bergisch Gladbach if, for example, you want to extend a restraining order or wish the perpetrator to be banned from contacting or approaching you.  Tel.: 02204 - 95 290. The current opening times are Mon., Tue., Thu. and Fri. from 8.00 a.m. till noon and Tue. from 2.00-3.00 p.m.
    If you are in need of a lawyer but cannot afford one, you can apply to the "Rechtsantragsstelle" (legal application service) at the district court for a "Beratungshilfeschein" (legal consultation voucher). You can find an application form at
  • The police in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district have special victim protection officers ("Opferschutzbeauftragte") that you can contact if you are the victim of a violent crime: Mrs. Koll 02202-205 439 or Mr. Liening 02202-205 430.

Places you can contact in case of domestic violence in Burscheid, Wermelskirchen and Leichlingen

Dear women,

If there is an emergency and you can't contact us, you can also contact one of the following institutions/public authorities:

  • In acute domestic violence situations, call the police on 110! They can order the perpetrator to stay away from your home for 10 days.  The district court can extend this restraining order for up to 6 months. 
  • The free hotline "Gewalt gegen Frauen" (violence against women) is available 24/7 in many different languages under 08000 116 016.
  • If you are experiencing sexualised violence, you can contact the Fachstelle gegen sexualisierte Gewalt (help centre for sexualised violence) in Burscheid.
  • There is a free and anonymous hotline that you can call if you need help concerning sexual abuse: 0800 2255 530.
  • If you need a place in a women's shelter, you can find out the contact details and where there are free places in North Rhine-Westphalia by clicking here
    Women's shelters are safe and secret places for women who need to escape from a violent partner.
  • You should contact the district court in Leverkusen or Wermelskirchen if, for example, you want to extend a restraining order or wish the perpetrator to be banned from contacting or approaching you. 
    If you are in need of a lawyer but cannot afford one, you can apply to the "Rechtsantragsstelle" (legal application service) at the relevant district court for a "Beratungshilfeschein" (legal consultation voucher). You can find an application form at
    The district court in Leverkusen is the court you should contact if you live in Leichlingen or Burscheid. You can speak to the staff here or arrange a personal appointment by calling 02171-4910 between 8.30 a.m and 12.30 p.m.
    You can reach the district court in Wermelskirchen on 02196-7120. Emergency requests can be placed from Mon.-Fri. between 8.30 a.m and 12.30 p.m.
  • The police in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district have special victim protection officers ("Opferschutzbeauftragte") that you can contact if you are the victim of a violent crime: Mrs. Kammann 02202-205 430 or Mrs. Krämer 02202-205 433.

Places you can contact in Bergisch Gladbach and the Rheinisch-Bergisch district if children or young people are threatened directly or indirectly by domestic violence

Children are always affected by domestic violence. Even if they are not actually present during the violent incidents, they can feel the threat and this can cause anxiety. Domestic violence is not restricted to physical violence, it can also be psychological. Don't be afraid to ask for help and support!

  • The hotlines of the child/youth welfare offices are:
    Bergisch Gladbach: 02202- 14 28 14
    Rösrath: 02205- 80 23 10
    Kürten: 02268- 80 170
    Overath: 02206- 60 22 06
    Burscheid: 02174- 67 03 81
    Leichlingen: 02175- 99 22 30 or 02175- 99 22 51
    Wermelskirchen: 02196-71 03 30
  • The girls' advice centre can be contacted on 02202 - 989 11 55 or online. 
  • Family and educational guidance centers:
    Bergisch Gladbach: Caritas counselling centre for children, young people and parents:  02202-350 16
    Bergisch Gladbach: Diakonie counselling centre for children, young people and adults: 02204 -540 04.
    Burscheid: Educational counselling centre for parents, children and young people: 02174-89 66 170
    : Catholic counselling centre for parents, children and young people: 02175-6012 or 02175-16 97 90
    Wermelskirchen: Municipal educational counselling centre: 02196-1022.
  • The Kinderschutzbund (Child Protection Agency), tel. 02202- 399 24, can also help you with any questions regarding the health and well-being of your children.
  • The bke-Elternberatung website provides online counselling on topics such as education, adolescence, challenging behaviour, etc.  Here you can also chat to other people who might be in a similar situation to yours.


Room hire

The women's advice centre for the Rheinisch-Bergisch district has a very light, large room for groups that can be hired for a small charge by therapists, self-help groups, etc.

From Monday to Thursday the room is reserved exclusively for women's groups. From Friday to Sunday it can also be used by mixed groups.

If you are interested in using our rooms, please get in touch: by phone on 02202-45 112 or email at