Goals & focus
The causes for violence against women need to be seen not only in the family context but also against the backdrop of society as a whole.
The goal of the work in the women's refuge is to do justice to the more diverse problems those coming to us for help now face, the changing social framework and our own expectations as to quality; we thus seek constantly to maintain the quality of our services and to develop them further.
Our substantive concept is thus defined by the following aims:
- Protecting women and girls against predominantly male violence
- Supporting women as they overcome their violent situations and stabilising them
- Supporting them with building self-determined, independent lives
- Expanding women's capacity for action and organising suitable support structures
- Paying attention to and combating violence against women
- Campaigning for women's and girls' rights.
These give rise to the following principles for action:
- Concepts for action that are holistic, partisan and encourage autonomy
- Capacity building
- Intercultural approach
- Participation in the removal of gender hierarchies through networking and public relations work.